• Testimonials

    WIT MOLD has gained good recognition and testimonials from our customers because of good quality and professional services.

Dear Beta & Doris,
Thanks for your all support.

My expectation from T0 Trail, Following documents to be shared –

  1. Inspection report with 100 % dimensions checked.
  2. Photos of mould & machine before T0 Trail & during the T0 trail.
  3. Video clip of T0 trail ( 1 or 2 shots ) , if possible
  4. Mould material RMTC
  5. Mould drawings.

Till the date I am quite impressed with all your activities like planning, Tracking of activities, Coordination & commitment to wards customer satisfaction.
Thanks again & Confident for our long-term business association.
We are now planning to share new RFQ of our upcoming project.


Hi Beta,
I have seen the photos and the videos and they look very good. Well done.
About the shots, we need at least 11 shots because 1 is for us and 10 are for my client. So you can keep 2 more shot samples for your factory.

Hi Beta.

I tested 20 pieces in our testing machine and the results were very satisfactory.
We are still waiting for the feed back of our client. They are doing some tests with the complete set. But they haven´t finished yet.
About the shipping, we prefer the sea option. I´m waiting for the DHL offer. Then we will choose the best one.
Thank you very much!

Hi Crystal,

I want to write to you and thank you for the project that PLC and WIT Mold embarked on in designing and producing Injection Moulding Tooling that is today supporting products that PLC sell in Australia and around the world.

WIT Mold have shown professionalism throughout the project understanding PLC’s design and standard of tooling that PLC require in our operation. WIT Mold have executed the specification and delivered a to our expectation. The collaboration shown in this project is extremely positive as it made the project run smoothly.

PLC have found WIT Mold to be a learning organisation as you have taken on bored constructive feedback and incorporate this into the project and into future projects. Visiting the WIT Mold manufacturing site was positive and allowing an Auditing process to take place led to a greater understanding of the true capabilities of WIT Mold. We found WIT Molds operation to be in control and applying up to date methodologies in tracking the projects individually through the system and employing other error proofing techniques.

Crystal has managed the customer needs well ensuring that up to date information was provided creating visibility throughout the project.

We look forward to further cooperation with WIT Mold in the future.

Kind Regards

Hi All,

I hope you don’t mind me introducing you to Crystal Jiang from WIT Mold located in Shenzhen. We have run successful tooling programs with WIT Mold on threaded parts requiring hydraulic unscrewing and multi cavity valve gated hot runner.

We have recently audited WIT Mold and have classified WIT Mold as a ‘Medium Precision’ tooling manufacturer. WIT Mold’s manufacturing facility is well equipped with all manufacturing completed onsite and not outsourced. WIT Mold have real time monitoring of their facility to track the project through their operation and run customer orders through an onsite ERP. QR codes are used to identify electrodes to a specific job and metrology is in place at each process to monitor for any errors from machining processes.

Tool designers are competent and Mold flow analysis is an inhouse competency supporting the decisions in Mould design.

We have found that WIT Mold are keen to learn and take onboard the constructive feedback of the customer.

Crystal is a diligent account manager and meetings with the Project Manager who is very knowledgeable and speaks good English can be arranged throughout the project.

If you are looking for a new Tool Manufacturer it may be worth providing WIT Mold with an RFQ.

If you are interested, then reach out to Crystal for the complete company overview.

Kind Regards

Hi Bonnie,
Yes, first parts are now nearly finished and ready for sourcing. You will get some more parts in next weeks. I would be happy to work with you and the fantastic support of the whole Witmold Team.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen/Best Regards

Morning Bonnie
its with pleasure i can say you than plastic molds for base/cover & insert décoration are OK 
felicitations to the whole team WITmold
Thank you again for your professional job
we prepare the shipping, can you prepare molds and send me all documents (packing list commercial invoice etc,etc) and of course to pay you, the final invoice

Hello Beta,
We have completed our testing and everything passed.   I shared the results with the project sponsors and they have approved the release for full scale production.  Bill Schmidt has confirmed that he already has 500 kits on order.  Please proceed with fulfilling this order and coordinate with Bill as required.
We appreciate your patience with this and all the effort on getting us products we are very happy with.

Dear Doris,
Today we have had a meeting with the client to review the parts of the T1 and share the points to improve and modifications for the T2.
I am going to prepare a report and send it to you in the next few days with the points to improve.
The client has been very satisfied with the samples of the T1. Congratulations to you and your team!
Best regards,

Hello Bonnie,
I just wanted to let you know that I have done my initial inspection and cleaning of the tool to get it ready for our team to sample it. I have attached my report (“Overall, a very well-built tool with only very minor issues that don’t actually affect the part. This is the first tool we have done with WIT MOLD, and the quality is good. I would feel confident letting them do more tooling for us“).
I am happy with the tool and there were only very minor things that needed to be addressed.
Once we get the tool sampled, I will update this report if we find any issues during sampling.
Tell your team thank you and good job!
Thank You,​
Jason  ​

Hi Connie,
Thank you for providing all the drawings etc.
You and the technical team at the Company have shown a great deal of professionalism with this project. We look forward to receiving and running the mold in our production.
Hopefully, this will the beginning of a long relationship.

Best Regards.

Hello Bonnie,

Congratulations for this successful project !
We also appreciate the good quality from Wit, and above all the good contact & service from you !
Kind regards,

Dear Marcia, well this is why i really like our partnership so much. I could not make a better trial report. You just make a trial how it should be done. This only confirmes my fillings … Thanks again


Hi Doris

Thank you for your kind words. Hopefully we can work together in the future on some new projects. Your company provided excellent service to me and I always was confident in your quality and workmanship.



Thank you, Bonnie for your understanding and patience.  Currently, these are the only tools we need.

I always go to you and your team for our tools because of your excellent service and craftsmanship.


Regional Manufacturing Manager

Traffic Solutions


1st round DFM looks great thank you. We look forward to the Moldflow add in next week.

We will review the content of this version and get back to you soon.



Looks like a great time with friends and family Kevin, glad you enjoyed.

You and Wit Mold have been a great help to me this year.

Thank you,

Hi Connie

we are happy with the scraper tool and think we can sort out the slight gapping when its here. Can you get a price to fly it over for us please and we will get it to work straight away. Thank your guys for a good job.

Congratulations Kevin.

Thanks for all your hard work to meet our challenges with quality, cost and delivery.

Best Regards,


Thank you Kevin,

The pictures were very nice and looks like everyone had a good time. Your efforts are highly appreciated on our projects and hope to keep the relationship building stronger.

the first FOT parts have arrived in Munich. My first impression is very good! I really like the parts.

Please take special care to the red highlighted text.



what can i say.
I am so happy that i traveled to Shenzhen and choosed your factory for a business partnership.
You can not imagine what i relieve it is for me to know, that there’s Marcia and that i can be sure, that everything will be done perfectly。

And of course, thanks 1000 times

I hope you have had a good weekend!

Please find my feedbacks on the first 3d tool design.

Generally a very nice tool design-well done!



My customer is pretty happy with these parts. We will not need to make any dimensional changes. I do have a few requests I’d like you to do before shipping the tool. Please refer to the attached power point and model.


You are an incredible team!
I really enjoyed all our projects in the last year, and I hope this new 2021 we can keep working together.
I just want to say thanks for all your hard work and all your support!
Happy new Year 2021, and I really want to visit your factory the next year, so I hope things get better ASAP.!!!


Well received 2 moulds: Cover and Pre-Screen Adaptor Thanks a lot for the good jobs! These seems very professional and high performance quality!


We received the latest samples. You did an excellent job eliminating the sink on the cover. We were very happy to see this. Thank you for your hard work on this.


I received the part yesterday, I’m pleased with the quality. Thank you a lot for your great follow up of this project and your availability. I’m sure we will work together in the future on some bigger projects.


Great New indeed thank you very much for a well done JOB on this mold. Please work with Jon ball on the shipment, Job need PO number & package size & weight.

Best regards

Huge…huge and incredible performance!!! Awaiting for your more information about test, mould function with all kind of details I need 10 good samples for our tests-please send it together with Turbine samples

Well done,

Thank you for being so kind and professional in our meeting today!   I’m happy to confirm the order to you of the following molds:   Pilot mold one cavity for Pump Ring (100 % payment) Pilot mold one cavity for Actuator sleeve (100 % payment) Production mold 8 cavities – cold runner for Pump Ring (40 % payment) Production mold 16 cavities for Actuator sleeve (40 % payment)


The pieces looks great!
Excellent! Very well done!
Erikc will be in touch with you to agree the better Shipping option
@Erikc please I need the pieces here ASAP.

Thanks so much

I have attached your Customer Satisfaction Survey.
Generally WIT Mold, Kevin Lee and you do a great job for us.
Thank you and best regards


Thank you ,
Wow, very nice!
I know Witmold is avery
professional tool builder, so I’m not
really surprised to hear this!
You build great tools!


I am happy to be able to work with you on this project also. I look forward to working on many more in the future.
I will make arrangements to have the final payment wire transferred to you as soon as possible.

Best regards,

Thanks a lot ,dear Kevin for the huge support and performances!
Please prepare and submit a detail injection conditions report as usual Cheers,


I am back from vacation and getting back to work mode. The lens mold has been running without any issues and all of the reflectivity numbers are very good.


OOOOOO….YEEEEEESSSSS! Dear Kevin-you and your guys are really magicians!
Really huge performance and result-well done!!! Awaiting for these samples-be in touch with Mr.Jon
Regards your wonderful staff!


We tested the function of the parts and they worked great. As soon as we can get video of the mold running complete I believe we are good to ship!


I have attached your Customer Satisfaction Survey. Generally WIT Mold, Kevin Lee and you do a great job for us.
Thank you and best regards


Yes, You and your guys are really magicians
Really huge performance and result-well done!!!
Awaiting for these samples be in touch with Mr.Jon.
Regards your wonderful staff!


Today has been my pleasure to meet you at your company. You are very genuine people and you have treat me as a longtime friend. Since the beginning I have considered you as real friends.
I am very impressed about your company: serious, very clean, organized, and very professional.
I will definitely consider your company one of best Chinese mold maker supplier that I have visited in all these years.
I hope that my customers will release some orders so I will contact you promptly.

Best Regards,

Thank you both so much for your generosity and dedicated work to make our trip a successful one. Thank you so much for sharing some of your culture with the visit to the garden.
The lunches we shared were incredible and it is really appreciated. Also appreciate the effort to get our molds sampled. The insulator sampling was very good to see.


Thanks for your time provided as well, I was impressed with your clean and well aligned shop. Hopefully in the near future we can do some business together, one of our requirements is to be GM approved supplier, expecting you will become very soon. Your shop was more than my expectations!! Very kind from your side walking the extra mile!!

Kind Regards,
Cesar R. Flores